Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Lidocaine Viscous: Anesthetic Uses, Dosage & Interactions

What is lidocaine viscous? What is Lidocaine used for?

Lidocaine viscous solution is a local anesthetic that is applied topically to treat painful mucous membranes or throat pain associated with oral diseases and for procedures involving the mouth or throat.

Lidocaine provides pain relief by inhibiting the influx of sodium ions involved in the initiation and conduction of nerve impulses associated with the perception of pain. Lidocaine is a local amide anesthetic that is thought to reversibly block nerve conduction and thereby provide local pain relief.

What brand names are available for lidocaine viscous?

Xylocaine Viscous 2%

Is lidocaine viscous available as a generic drug?


Do I need a prescription for lidocaine viscous?


What are the side effects of lidocaine viscous?

Common side effects are associated with the
local application of lidocaine and may include stinging, burning, and mild

Serious adverse effects include:

Seizures, heart and lung failure, and death have occurred when children less than three were treated with lidocaine viscous solution.

What is the dosage for lidocaine viscous?

Adults: 5-10 ml of lidocaine viscous is recommended
for the treatment of painful mucous membranes of the mouth or throat. No more
than 6 doses should be given in 24 hours and the maximum dose is 60 ml or 1200
mg lidocaine.

To provide anesthesia prior to insertion of medical instruments or catheters
into the upper respiratory or digestive tracts, 10 to 15 ml (200 to 300 mg) is
recommended not to exceed 400 mg/day.

To treat diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract, 5 to15 ml of lidocaine
is recommended not to exceed 60 ml or 1200 mg per day.

Children 2-12 years: Dosing is based on weight. Do not exceed 1 ml per 5 kg
of child’s weight per dose. Do not exceed 4 mg/kg or 4 doses in 24 hours.


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Which drugs or supplements interact with lidocaine viscous?

Lidocaine topical administration results
in low systematic or blood levels are therefore does not have any known
clinically significant drug-drug interactions. The following drug interactions
have been observed with intravenous lidocaine use.

Toxicity may result when lidocaine is used with other local anesthetics or
drugs which are structurally related to amide-type local anesthetics.
Antiarrhythmic drugs such as mexiletine and amiodarone may increase blood
concentrations of lidocaine.

Lidocaine is mainly metabolized or broken down by liver enzymes. Strong
inhibitors of these liver enzymes such as fluvoxamine, erythromycin, and
itraconazole may decrease the breakdown of lidocaine and cause an increase in
its blood concentrations.

Cimetadine and beta blockers such as propranolol may decrease blood levels of
lidocaine by decreasing blood flow to the liver or by inhibiting liver enzymes
that break down lidocaine.

Is lidocaine viscous safe to take if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

Lidocaine has not been adequately evaluated in
pregnant women.

Lidocaine and its metabolites are secreted
into breast milk. At therapeutic doses the secretions in the breast milk are
small and generally do not harm the infant; patients should consult their
doctors before taking this drug.

What else should I know about lidocaine viscous?

What preparations of lidocaine viscous are available?

Oromucosal solution: 2% (20 mg/mL)

How should I keep lidocaine viscous stored?

Lidocaine Viscous should be stored aft 15 C – 30 C
(59 F – 86 –F).

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