Thursday, September 19, 2024

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The 10 Best Diet Plans

Top 10 diets

Weight loss is directly related to the difference between the individual's energy intake and energy expenditure.Weight loss is directly related to the difference between the individual’s energy intake and energy expenditure.

Diet means a reduction in calorie intake. For the optimal management of overweight and obese patients, a combination of diet, exercise, and behavioral modifications may be helpful. Weight loss is directly related to the difference between the individual’s energy intake and energy expenditure. Reducing caloric intake below expenditure should help in weight loss. Different diets may help one to lose weight and improve overall health. However, the top 10 best diet plans certified by physicians are as follows:

Mediterranean diet: This refers to the dietary pattern followed by the olive-growing regions of the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean diet mainly consists of foods rich in monounsaturated fats; moderate consumption of alcohol, especially wine; high consumptions of fruits and vegetables; moderate consumption of milk and dairy products; and low consumption of meat and meat products. It is associated with several health benefits such as a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

DASH diet: DASH refers to dietary approaches to stop hypertension. It comprises four to five servings of fruit, four to five servings of vegetables, and two to three servings of low-fat dairy per day. It specifically advocates a low intake of sodium in diet. So no salt use at the dinner table, no pickles, chips, sauces with added salt. DASH diet along with physical exercise for 25 minutes may result in a weight loss of an average of 5.8 kg.

Intermittent fasting: It is characterized by alternate-day fasting and time-restricted feed. Fasting for a restricted time every day may help in weight loss. 

Low-fat diet: Reduction in the daily intake of fat less than 30 percent of energy intake helps in weight loss. Low-fat dietary pattern with healthy carbohydrates may prevent weight gain. Increased intake of vegetables or fruits can also aid in weight loss.

Low-carbohydrates diet: High-carbohydrate diets have been associated with weight gain. Hence, a low-carbohydrates diet along with a food rich in unsaturated fat and protein can decrease the risk of heart disease, diabetes mellitus, and some cancers. Low-carbohydrate diets are probably useful in short-term weight loss. In this diet the foods included are:

  • non-starchy vegetables
  • eggs
  • nuts
  • seeds
  • full-fat dairy
  • natural fats (like avocado, butter, and coconut oil/cream) 
  • meat
  • poultry
  • fish
  • legumes 
  • fruit is usually limited.

High-protein diets: High-protein diets are more filling and help in stimulating the production of heat.  

Vegetarian diet: Vegetarian diet mainly consists of cereals, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts. There are different types of vegetarianism depending on the foods consumed. These include:

  • Semi-vegetarian: Chicken meat or fish may be included in this diet, but red meat would be completely excluded.
  • Lacto-ovovegetarian: Eggs, milk, and milk products are included, but meat is avoided
  • Lactovegetarian: Milk and milk products are consumed, but, meat and eggs are avoided.
  • Vegan: All animal products, including eggs, milk, and milk products, are avoided from the diet. Honey may also be excluded. Some may also avoid processed food or foods that are not organically grown.

Eating a vegetarian diet is associated with a lower chance of obesity, heart disease, increased blood pressure, diabetes, and certain cancer.

Low-cholesterol diet: Increased cholesterol is linked to increased risk of heart disease. Daily cholesterol consumption should be limited to 300 mg or less.

High-fiber diet: Fibers are satiating and indirectly helps with weight loss. High fiber foods include:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Wheat bread
  • Beans

Portion-controlled diet: To control the temptation of overeating, serving the food on an individual plate, instead of placing the serving dishes on the table. This may discourage the person from overeating. In short, take control of the amount of food taken daily.

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