Thursday, January 16, 2025

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What Are Stretch Marks? Treatment, Causes & Risk Factors

Stretch marks are linear streaks that appear on the skin due to the skin being overstretched. The lines at first are red and turn white over time.Stretch marks are linear streaks that appear on the skin due to the skin being overstretched. The lines at first are red and turn white over time.

  • Stretch marks appear as linear streaks on the skin that has been overstretched, and they run perpendicular to maximum lines of tension in the skin.
  • Stretch marks begin as flat red lines, and they appear as slightly depressed white streaks over time.
  • They tend to occur near the armpits, on the thighs, abdomen, chest, buttocks, and groin.
  • Their appearance is similar to changes seen in the surface of rubber balloons that have been overinflated.

Stretch mark facts

  • The medical name for stretch marks is striae distensae.
  • Stretch marks are very common.
  • Stretch marks rarely are a sign of a significant medical problem.
  • Stretch marks are generally painless.
  • Stretch marks commonly develop in obese individuals and during pregnancy.
  • Stretch marks may also occur as a side effect of certain medications and because of certain diseases.

What causes stretch marks?

  • There is some controversy over the precise mechanism by which striae occur. There seems to be damage to the elastic fibers of the dermis (the deeper layer of the skin) accompanied by inflammation which eventually results in atrophic scar-like changes.
  • Excessive physical stretching of the skin appears to induce these changes.
  • There are a number of clinical situations that will predispose the skin to the formation of striae. These include

Stretch Mark Prevention

After working out for two months, I’ve noticed that I have small stretch marks on my arms from lifting. How can I prevent them?

Stretch marks occur when the elastic middle layer of skin called the dermis is stretched. Stretching leads to a breakdown of connective tissue, inflammation, and then scar formation as the injury heals. It’s the scarring that causes stretch marks to appear. Stretch marks are common during puberty and rapid growth spurts in adolescence (they typically heal by the late teens or early 20s), pregnancy, excessive weight gain and obesity, when muscle mass increases rapidly and stretches the skin (like during bodybuilding), and sometimes when individuals use topical or high doses of ingested steroids for many weeks or months. Stretch marks are not a health risk but can be cosmetically unappealing.

As for prevention, lotions and creams are largely ineffective and costly (although some of the tanning creams may cover up stretch marks but not heal them), and there isn’t any medication that you can take to prevent or remove them either.

Learn more about prevention of stretch marks »

What are risk factors for stretch marks?

  • Excessive rapid weight gain and pregnancy are the two most common risk factors.
  • Other risk factors include the conditions described above that predispose the skin to developing stretch marks.

What are symptoms and signs of stretch marks?

  • Striae are rarely painful or itchy. They do not produce troublesome symptoms.
  • They begin as linear red streaks and eventually mature into linear white lines.

How are stretch marks diagnosed?

  • Since stretch marks are quite common, most people are familiar with their appearance.
  • They are identifiable on visual inspection by patients and doctors.

How do you get rid of stretch marks?

  • There is a wide variety of treatments to get rid of stretch marks, but none of them seem to be particularly valuable in preventing or treating this condition.
  • Medical professionals generally agree that there is no good medical evidence that any creams or ointments will produce any sustained improvement in the appearance of stretch marks.
  • The use of physical modalities such as lasers, ultrasound, and microneedling holds some promise, but currently there is little compelling evidence that any treatment is safe and effective.

Are there any home remedies for stretch marks?

  • No, there is no evidence that any home remedies can improve the appearance of stretch marks.

Do stretch marks go away?

  • As the striae mature, they become less apparent but they rarely disappear. They do not cause any health problems.


Bar soap and water are fine for cleansing the face if you have sensitive or dry skin.
See Answer

How do you prevent stretch marks?

  • Aside from maintaining a normal weight and avoiding the long-term use of potent topical steroids under occlusion (wrapping and securing the skin after application of steroid preparations) or oral steroid drugs, little can be done to prevent stretch marks from developing.

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