What is a contusion vs. a hematoma?
Contusions and hematomas are similar, except that hematomas are more severe. Hematomas are much larger and deeper than contusions and swell because of the fluid that builds up in the area.
Our skin, muscles, and organs create an intertwined system that makes our body function. Blood flows to each of them, delivering the oxygen, nutrients, and chemicals they need.
If this system is damaged by an impact or force, the blood vessels in the area can rupture and bleed. If there is no exit for the blood, it can pool and turn into a contusion or hematoma.
It’s important to understand the difference between a contusion and a hematoma. On the surface, they might appear similar, but they are two very different conditions with different treatments.
What is a contusion?
More commonly referred to as a bruise, a contusion forms when tissue beneath the skin is damaged. The capillaries and blood vessels that carry blood to the tissue are damaged, filling the area with blood. The blood pools beneath the skin’s surface and causes discoloration.
The skin becomes darker, sometimes red or purple with a yellowish tint to the edges, and it is generally smaller than a hematoma. Contusions can occur anywhere there is soft tissue damage. They typically go away within a few days.
What is a hematoma?
Hematomas are similar to bruises, except they are more severe. They are much larger and deeper than contusions and swell because of the fluid that builds up in the area. The skin is dark red, or black and blue, and is painful and tender.
Hematomas that happen in different parts of the body have varied symptoms and significance to your health. Abdominal hematomas pool blood within the abdominal wall or inside the abdomen and can cause blood to build up within your internal organs.
Intracranial hematomas occur due to head injury. They involve blood pooling either inside your brain (intracerebral hematoma) or between your skull and brain (epidural hematoma).
Subcutaneous hematomas occur beneath the skin when blood accumulates in fat rather than muscle following impact or injury.
Septal hematomas occur in the area behind the nose, called the septum.
Subungual hematomas are blood pools underneath your fingernails and toenails.
Symptoms of a contusion vs. a hematoma
Contusion and mild hematoma symptoms are similar. A deeper hematoma or intracranial hematoma has much more severe symptoms.
Symptoms of a contusion
Contusions are usually small and red or purple. They might swell slightly, and the muscles around the area will be stiff and sore.
Symptoms of a hematoma
An intracranial hematoma is among the more severe blood pooling types because it causes pressure on your brain to build. You might experience headaches, vomiting, nausea, slurred speech, and confusion.
Abdominal hematomas might not initially present many symptoms. Over time, swelling and tenderness in the abdomen begin, followed by abdominal pain.
Septal hematomas make the nose and area under the eyes swell and turn red or black and blue. You might experience nose bleeds or some clear fluid draining from your nose.
Causes of a contusion vs. a hematoma
An impact on soft tissue causes both contusions and hematomas. The main difference is that the impact’s force determines whether you will bruise or get a hematoma.
Causes of a contusion
Contusions are caused by minor blows or impacts on your skin. The small blood vessels rupture and let small amounts of blood flow out, causing the discoloration.
Causes of a hematoma
Hematomas are caused by more significant impacts that damage blood vessel walls underneath the skin and the muscles or organs. The blood pools much more quickly than in a contusion and symptoms begin to develop rapidly.
Diagnosis of a contusion vs. a hematoma
Contusions are more straightforward to diagnose than hematomas. You and your doctor can tell a bruise from the discoloration and appearance of the injury. Hematomas may require more than a physical examination.
Diagnosing a contusion
Doctors perform a physical examination of your bruise and ask about the circumstances that caused it. If you’re bruising a lot or the contusion is recurring, let your doctor know so that they can test to see if you’re anemic or have another condition.
They’ll ask about your medications and family history to see if any hereditary conditions might cause recurrent bruising. If they feel it is necessary, the doctor will order an ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, or computerized tomography (CT) scan to see if there are any deeper injuries.
Diagnosing a hematoma
Subcutaneous hematomas may not require more than a physical examination from your doctor. However, if you’re experiencing symptoms of a deeper hematoma, or it showed up after a significant injury or trauma, the doctor will order an ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, or computerized tomography (CT) scan. These tests allow your doctor to see where the blood is coming from and to find any other injuries.
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Treatments of a contusion vs. a hematoma
Treating a hematoma can be different than a contusion based on the severity of the injury.
Treating a contusion
Most contusions heal on their own within a few days. If you have a painful contusion, you can use the rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) method to reduce the swelling and inflammation. If you see your doctor, they might prescribe some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, to reduce any inflammation.
Treating a hematoma
Less severe hematomas will eventually heal on their own and can be treated with the RICE method. Doctors might prescribe a regimen of pain medicine or recommend NSAIDs to treat any inflammation.
If you have an intracranial hematoma, the doctor uses a surgical drill to create holes in your skull to drain the pooled blood and relieve pressure on your brain. If the injury is severe enough, you might receive other surgeries and treatments to stop the bleeding and drain the blood.