Saturday, September 7, 2024

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How Can I Get Clear and Glowing Skin at Home?

Get clear and glowing skin

We all, regardless of our gender, wish for a fountain of youth.We all, regardless of our gender, wish for a fountain of youth.

We all, regardless of our gender, wish for a fountain of youth. Men, women, and teenagers alike want clear and glowing skin. Although genetics play a major role in skin tone and quality, you can achieve clear and glowing skin by adhering to a decent skin-care regime.

Here are a few trick and tips recommended by dermatologists for healthy and glowing skin:

  • Sunscreen application: Sunlight can do a lot of damage to your skin, including age spots, fine lines, and tanning. Sunscreens with a sun protection factor (SPF) over 30 are essential when you are out in the sun. It slows down skin aging, tanning, and development of the dark spots. Learn to apply the correct amount of cream needed for your skin type.
  • Do not smoke or drink: Alcohol dries up the skin cells. Smoking speeds up the aging process. Keep these vices in control if you wish for youthful skin.
  • Diet: You are what you eat. Make sure you have a diet rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. This translates to a diet rich in complex carbs such as oatmeal; brown rice; millets; plenty of fresh fruits; eggs; and lean meat such as chicken, fatty fish, and nuts. Vitamin C–rich fruits such as oranges, kiwis, and strawberries can improve your skin health. Polyphenol-rich foods such as melons, green tea, turmeric, grapes, saffron, avocadoes, and berries help prevent skin aging. Ensure you drink 8-12 glasses of water daily.
  • Know your skin: Is your skin oily, dry, normal, combination, or sensitive? Always use products recommended for your skin type and age. If you have oily skin, you may benefit from the use of gel-based face products and “non-comedogenic” face washes and creams. Tea tree oil and rosehip oils specifically work on oily skins but may not suit sensitive skin. Honey- and milk-containing face creams may be best suited for dry skin. Exfoliation with oatmeal or apple cider vinegar may irritate sensitive and dry skin causing a bout of rashes.
  • Mild exfoliation: You may try mild exfoliation with over the counter (OTC) creams containing glycolic acid, lactic acid, and vitamin C. Always use these after conducting a patch test behind your earlobe before 24 hours. These creams cause shedding of the outer sun-damaged layer of the skin and expose the newer skin cells underneath. Do not scrub your face hard with the so-called natural do it yourself (DIY) scrubbers such as sugar or baking soda. They can worsen any skin condition, including acne.
  • Wash your face regularly: Washing your face with warm water on waking up, before sleeping, and after removing make-up will unclog the dirt and oil from the skin pores. You can moisturize your face with a cream or a serum containing hyaluronic acid, retinol, kojic acid, glycolic acid, Niacinamide, vitamin C, or green coffee extract before sleeping. These are available OTC. These lotions help plump up the skin and reduce sun damage. And yes, oily skin needs a moisturizer too! A retinol or vitamin C–rich serum will plump up the oily skin without causing breakouts.
  • Stressless: Stress flares up acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. Find a time in your schedule to exercise and meditate for at least an hour a day. Have a hobby and learn to unwind on weekends. Make sure you do not compromise on your 8 hours of daily beauty sleep.
  • Retinol-containing products: For women in their 30s, retinol-based serums are very effective. Serums and gels containing 0.25-5% retinoids (vitamin A products) used daily can reduce those pesky age lines, pigmentation, dark spots, and acne marks. You need to be patient in the application, as its effects may be apparent after 6-12 weeks. Retinol-containing products are generally avoided in pregnancy. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant soon.
  • See a board-certified dermatologist if you dislike something about your skin: Get early treatment for acne, pigmentation, or allergies. Do not indulge in DIY remedies. DIY face packs may not suit all skin types and cause further damage. A dermatologist will analyze your skin and suggest products best suited to you. A good skincare regimen needs to be apt, not necessarily costly. Using the right products and following a healthy lifestyle will keep you healthy skin-wise and more!

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